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Health and Insurance

Health insurance policies vary from province to province. Students planning to study in Canada should research the availability of insurance in their intended province of

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Study Permit Renew

Maintaining Status in Canada It is important not to exceed the duration of your authorized stay in Canada without first applying for a change in

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ESL Class

University Pathway University Pathway Program is preparatory program that is designed to help international students build the skills, knowledge, and qualifications that they will need

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Designated Learning Institution

Designated Learning Institution Introduction: Tourists can change their status to study in Canada. In most cases, prospective international students who intend to study in Canada

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Immigration Pathway

Immigration Pathway is a service project promoted by our company based on our experience and success in international students’ study and immigration applications and local

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Study Permit and Study Visa

Introduction: A study permit is a document issued by IRCC that serves as permission for international students to study in Canada. Foreign students cannot study

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Study Permit Exemption

In order to study in Canada at any level, a foreign national is usually required to apply for and receive a Canadian study permit. However, there

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SDS Plan

The Student Direct Stream, or SDS, is a new program designed to make the process of applying for a Canadian study permit faster and more

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