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Refugee Appeal

Introduction: The Refugee Appeal Division (RAD) considers appeals against decisions of the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) to allow or reject claims for refugee protection. In

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Quebec Immigration Programs

/Quebec Immigration Programs/ Introduction: Quebec’s immigration programs include: Regular Skilled Worker Program (RSWP) Quebec Experience Class: Temporary Foreign Worker Quebec Graduates In March 2021, Quebec has

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Quebec Entrepreneur

Introduction: Quebec’s immigration programs include: Quebec Experience Class, Regular Skilled Worker Program and Quebec Business Immigration. Quebec Experience Class includes Foreign Students and Temporary Foreign

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Quebec Self-employed

Introduction: Quebec’s immigration programs include: Quebec Experience Class, Regular Skilled Worker Program and Quebec Business Immigration. Quebec Experience Class includes Foreign Students and Temporary Foreign

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PEQ Class

Introduction: Quebec’s immigration programs include: Quebec Experience Class, Regular Skilled Worker Program and Quebec Business Immigration. Quebec Experience Class includes Foreign Students and Temporary Foreign

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Introduction: An H&C application is a Humanitarian and Compassion application.Applying for H&C lets immigrants ask for special permission to stay in Canada (for humanitarian and

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Family Sponsorship

Spousal Sponsorship Introduction: Spousal Sponsorship is a sub-category under family sponsorship. Canadian citizens or permanent residents are entitled to sponsor their spouse to become permanent

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Atlantic Immigration Program

/Atlantic Immigration Program/ Introduction: The Atlantic Immigration Program is a pathway to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers and international graduates who want to work

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