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New Brunswick PNP

/New Brunswick PNP/ Introduction: The NBPNP policy has been revised, and the categories including: Skilled Worker Stream Strategic Initiative Stream (French) Business Immigration Stream Express

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/NL PNP/ Introduction: NLPNP consists of the following immigration categories: Priority Skills NL Express Entry Skilled Worker Category Skilled Worker Category International Graduate Category International

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/PEI PNP/ Introduction: PEI provincial nominations include: PEI PNP Express Entry Labour Impact Category: Skilled Worker Stream Critical Worker Stream International Graduate Stream Intermediate Experience

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/BC PNP/ Introduction: The British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) is an economic immigration program that enables the province to directly select prospective immigrants

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Alberta PNP

/AAIP/ Introduction The Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP), formerly the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP), is an economic immigration program that nominates people for permanent

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Saskatchewan PNP

/Saskatchewan PNP/ Introduction The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) is a way to immigrate to Canada. Through the SINP, the Province of Saskatchewan invites residency

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Manitoba PNP

/Manitoba PNP/ Introduction: The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) seeks recent graduates, skilled workers, businesspeople and their families with the intention and ability to successfully

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Ontario PNP

/Ontario PNP/ Introduction: OINP consists of three categories, including Employer Job Offer Category, Human Capital Category, and Business Category. Employer Job Offer Category includes: Foreign

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