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/EE抽签/EE邀请 当地时间2023年3月23日,加拿大联邦移民局进行了EE全项目抽签,此次邀请了3个类别的候选人,包括加拿大经验类移民(CEC),联邦技术移民(FSW),联邦技工移民(FST)的候选人 本轮受邀情况 此次共有7000人获得邀请,最低邀请分数484分,比上一轮减少6分。 值得注意的是这一抽签规模追平了3 月 15 日有史以来规模最大的所有项目抽签,当期邀请了 7,000 名候选人,最低 CRS 分数为 490。 通常,Express Entry 抽签是每两周一次。除了与有史以来最大的全项目抽签并列外,7,000 个 ITA 还标志着 Express Entry 有史以来第二大抽签规模,仅次于 2021 年 2

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PR Card Renewal

Canadian permanent residents may apply for a Canadian Permanent Resident Card at any time after landing in Canada. This card confirms their status as a

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PR Travel Document

A Travel Document, issued by a Canadian Immigration Visa Office, may, in certain circumstances, serve the same purpose as a Canadian Permanent Resident Card. Canadian

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Citizen Application

Since 2010, Canada has welcomed an average of more than 260,000 permanent residents each year. Many of these newcomers are in the process of becoming

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Visitor Visa

Any foreign nationals from visa-required countries may need to apply for Visitor Visa in order to temporarily stay in Canada without working or studying. In

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Super Visa

Parents or grandparents of Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents may apply for Super Visa in order to temporarily stay in Canada without working or studying.

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