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曼省省提名(MPNP) - 上海枫路移民 | 加拿大移民顾问律师团队 | 加拿大移民留学专家


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曼尼托巴省提名项目(MPNP) 寻找有意向并有能力在曼尼托巴省成功定居和经商成为永久居民的应届毕业生、技术工人、商人及其家人。

曼尼托巴省省提名包括:技术移民(Skill Worker Stream)、国际学生移民(International Education Stream)、和投资移民项目(Business Investor Stream)。




省内技术工人类(Skilled Worker in Manitoba)


临时外国工人Temporary Foreign Worker申请条件

  1. 持有有效的工签
  2. 已经在曼省公司连续全职工作至少6个月;如果从加拿大其他省份高等教育毕业,必须为曼省雇主工作至少一年
  3. 有获得工作经验的曼省雇主提供的长期全职工作机会
  4. 具备该职位的所有资格,包括培训/教育和任何必要的执照或证书
  5. 英语或法语水平满足职位要求
  6. 通过在曼省就业拥有的与曼省的联系比其他省份的联系更紧密
  7. 证明将作为永久居民在曼省生活、工作
  8. 提供资金证明

在职国际毕业生International Student Working Graduate)申请条件:

  1. 在曼省的公立或注册的私立职业高等教育机构完成全日制,至少一学年时长的教育或培训课程(语言课程除外),并被授予文凭、学位或证书
  2. 已经为同一雇主连续工作至少六个月,该雇主提供了一份永久全职工作机会
  3. 拥有有效毕业工签
  4. 通过在曼省就业拥有的与曼省的联系比其他省份的联系更紧密
  5. 证明将作为永久居民在曼省生活、工作
  6. 英语或法语水平满足职位要求


曼省经验类(Manitoba Work Experience Pathway)申请条件:

  1. 临时海外劳工和曼省毕业生全职紧缺职业工作满6个月;或外省毕业生全职紧缺职业工作满12个月;或临时海外劳工和曼省毕业生全职非紧缺职业工作满12个月
  2. 提交申请时,必须在曼省居住和/或工作;
  3. 拥有长期全职job offer,且薪资满足行业标准;工作条件与加拿大公民或永久居民一致;不可以是自雇,在家办公,兼职,临时性,季节性或是佣金制的工作
  4. 曼省受监管类职业语言水平达到CLB7;技工证书类职业语言水平达到CLB6;其他0、A、B类职业语言水平达到CLB5;C、D类职业语言水平达到CLB4
  5. 愿意并有能力在曼省长久生活

雇主直接招聘通道(Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway)申请条件:

  1. 过去5年有至少2年的从事被担保职位的工作经验,或其他被雇主认可的工作经验;或2年以上雇主认可的相关工作经验
  2. 所从事职业需为长期,全职且薪资满足行业标准;雇主在曼省有注册公司,且已经至少经营3年;工作条件与加拿大公民或永久居民一致;不可以是在家办公,兼职,临时性,季节性或是佣金制的工作
  3. 政府监管类职业语言水平达到CLB7;强制认证职业语言水平达到CLB6;其他0、A、B类职业语言水平达到CLB5;C、D类职业语言水平达到CLB4,雇主承诺提供工作语言培训
  4. 愿意并有能力在曼省长久生活
  5. 至少有高等教育经历;若从事持证上岗类职业,需做职业认证或通过监管机构的考试;从事C类或D类职业,省移民局可能不需要申请人完成高等教育,前提是申请人具备雇主或NOC描述所要求的职业培训
  6. 雇主需满足战略招聘资格

海外技术工人类(Skilled Worker overseas)



  1. 证明与曼省有固定的联系:
    • 有家庭成员或朋友的支持
    • 过于在曼省有教育或工作经验,或
    • 作为战略招聘计划的一部分,直接收到MPNP发出的申请邀请
  2. 在满分100分的MPNP打分系统中至少获得60分
  3. 如果职业为NOC TEER 4或5(以前是NOC C或D),语言水平至少达到CLB 4
  4. 在过去5年中有6个月以上连续全职工作经验


曼省快速通道(Manitoba Express Entry Pathway)申请条件:

  1. EE入池证明
  2. 至少6个月紧缺职业工作经验,递交职业规划
  3. NOC 0, A类职业语言水平达到CLB7;NOC B类职业语言水平达到CLB6
  4. 完成1年以上高等教育
  5. 至少18岁
  6. 愿意并有能力在曼省长久生活,且获得在曼省已居住1年以上的亲友的担保;或已获得曼省移民局的邀请
  7. 需提供满足六个月最低生活保障的资金证明

曼省人力资本通道类(Manitoba Human Capital Pathway申请要求:

  1. 至少6个月以上的全职紧缺职业工作经验(少于1年的工作经验不会有移民得分);并且提交职业规划
  2. 政府监管类职业语言水平达到CLB7;强制认证职业语言水平达到CLB6, 其他0、A、B类职业语言水平达到CLB5;第二语言达到CLB5及以上会有加分
  3. 完成1年以上高等教育
  4. 愿意并有能力在曼省长久生活,且获得在曼省已居住1年以上的亲友的担保;或已获得曼省移民局的邀请;或5年内在曼省获得高等学历;或5年内在曼省有相关工作经验
  5. 18岁以上;没有最高年龄限制,但45岁以上没有任何移民得分
  6. 需提供满足六个月最低生活保障的资金证明

职业就业类别(Career Employment Pathway)


  1. 过去3年内毕业于曼省指定院校(至少1年时长、2个学期、全日制课程)
  2. 语言水平至少CLB7
  3. 持有至少一年期全职的符合条件曼省雇主提供的工作机会,职位为紧缺类职位,职位与在曼省完成的学习项目一致;申请在处理时,申请人必须在曼省全职工作;曼省学位课程毕业生只要在紧缺类职位清单上的任何TEER 0、1、2或3职位中获得工作机会,就符合条件
  4. 需有六个月最低生活保障的资金证明;或在曼省全职长期工作岗位工作
  5. 申请时在曼省居住

硕博留学生实习类别(Graduate Internship Pathway)


  1. 过去3年内在曼省完成硕士或博士学位课程
  2. 至少CLB7
  3. 在曼省符合资格的行业和研究企业完成Mitacs实习项目
  4. 申请时无需有工作机会
  5. 需有六个月最低生活保障的资金证明;或在曼省全职长期工作岗位工作
  6. 申请时在曼省居住

国际学生创业试点项目(International Student Entrepreneur Pilot)


  1. 提交一份商业计划书;作为高管,持续管理该公司不少于6个月(持有有效工签);占股比例不少于51%
  2. 至少CLB7
  3. 省内至少2年的全日制高等教育经历(不是远程教育或短期集中授课);加拿大境外学习/工作/从商经验可视为有益,但不符合该项资格要求
  4. 21-35 岁
  5. 需有六个月最低生活保障的资金证明
  6. 无需商业担保;无最低净资产要求,各人净资产将由 MPNP 批准的第三方供应商验证
  7. 申请获得批准后,必须在 MPNP 向您发出原则批准信以实施您的商业计划之前签署商业绩效协议 (BPA)

曼省企业家通道(Manitoba Entrepreneur Pathway)


  1. 个人净资产不低于50万,各人净资产将由 MPNP 批准的第三方供应商验证
  2. 过去5年内,有3年的企业家或高级管理经验,只有股份不少于拥有33.3%的股权才会视同于企业家
  3. 语言水平不低于CLB 5
  4. 无最低或最高年龄要求
  5. 至少加拿大高中等同学历
  6. 在曼尼托巴首府地区,最低投资25万。在曼尼托巴首府地区以外,最低投资15万
  7. 为加拿大公民或永久居民(非亲属)创造1个工作职位
  8. 提交商业企划书。在申请前一年内,进行商业考察
  9. 申请获得批准后,必须在 MPNP 向您发出申请工作许可的支持信之前签署业务绩效协议 (BPA)

曼省农场投资人通道(Manitoba Farm Investor Pathway)


  1. 个人净资产不低于50万
  2. 最少3年农场管理经验
  3. 英语或法语水平足以应对面试
  4. 投资不低于30万,需要提交商业计划书
  5. 必须到曼省进行商业考察
  6. 申请人需要参与管理在曼省的农场,并进行农业生产;农场企业实体应在曼尼托巴省农村地区开展持续和经常性的商业活动
  7. 申请人需要有专业知识和经验参与农场生产


1 – Business, finance and administration occupations

120132Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling coordination occupations5
121012Human resources and recruitment officers5
121102Court reporters, medical transcriptionists and related occupations5
122002Accounting technicians and bookkeepers5
131003Administrative officers5
131013Property administrators5
131103Administrative assistants5
131113Legal administrative assistants5
132013Production and transportation logistics coordinators5

2 – Natural and applied sciences and related occupations

NOC 2021 CodeTEERNOC 2021 TitleMinimum CLBSWOSWMIES
200100Engineering managers7
200110Architecture and science managers7
200120Computer and information systems managers7
211101Biologists and related scientists5
211121Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists5
212031Land surveyors7
212101Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries5
212111Data scientists5
212201Cybersecurity specialists5
212211Business systems specialists5
212221Information systems specialists5
212231Database analysts and data administrators5
212301Computer systems developers and programmers5
212311Software engineers and designers5
212321Software developers and programmers5
212331Web designers5
212341Web developers and programmers5
213001Civil engineers7
213011Mechanical engineers7
213101Electrical and electronics engineers7
213111Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)7
213211Industrial and manufacturing engineers7
221002Chemical technologists and technicians5
221012Geological and mineral technologists and technicians5
221102Biological technologists and technicians5
221112Agricultural and fish products inspectors5
222122Drafting technologists and technicians5
222202Computer network technicians5
222212User support technicians5
222322Occupational health and safety specialists7
223002Civil engineering technologists and technicians5
223012Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians5
223022Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians5
223032Construction estimators5
223102Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians5
223112Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment)5
223132Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors5

3 – Health occupations

NOC 2021 CodeTEERNOC 2021 TitleMinimum CLBSWOSWMIES
300100Managers in health care7
311121Audiologists and speech-language pathologists7
311211Dietitians and nutritionists7
312031Occupational therapists7
313031Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals5
321032Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists7
321042Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians5
321092Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment7
321112Dental hygienists and dental therapists7
321202Medical laboratory technologists7
321212Medical radiation technologists5
321242Pharmacy technicians5
321292Other medical technologists and technicians5
322012Massage therapists5
331013Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations5
331033Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants5

4 – Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services

NOC 2021 CodeTEERNOC 2021 TitleMinimum CLBSWOSWMIES
400300Managers in social, community and correctional services5
411011Lawyers and Quebec notaries7
413001Social workers7
413011Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies7
413011Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies5
413101Police investigators and other investigative occupations5
413211Career development practitioners and career counsellors (except education)5
414001Natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and program officers5
414021Business development officers and market researchers and analysts5
414031Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers5
414041Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers5
414051Education policy researchers, consultants and program officers5
414061Recreation, sports and fitness policy researchers, consultants and program officers5
414071Program officers unique to government5
422002Paralegal and related occupations5
422012Social and community service workers5
422022Early childhood educators and assistants7
422032Instructors of persons with disabilities5

5 – Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport

NOC 2021 CodeTEERNOC 2021 TitleMinimum CLBSWOSWMIES
500120Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors5
511201Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations5
521132Audio and video recording technicians5
521202Graphic designers and illustrators5
521212Interior designers and interior decorators5
531233Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers5
541004Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness5

6 – Sales and service occupations

NOC 2021 CodeTEERNOC 2021 TitleMinimum CLBSWOSWMIES
600100Corporate sales managers5
600200Retail and wholesale trade managers5
600400Managers in customer and personal services5
620102Retail sales supervisors5
620202Food service supervisors5
621002Technical sales specialists – wholesale trade5
621012Retail and wholesale buyers5
631013Real estate agents and salespersons5
631023Financial sales representatives5
641004Retail salespersons and visual merchandisers5
644094Other customer and information services representatives5

7 – Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations

NOC 2021 CodeTEERNOC 2021 TitleMinimum CLBSWOSWMIES
700100Construction managers5
700110Home building and renovation managers5
700120Facility operation and maintenance managers5
700200Managers in transportation5
721002Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors5
721012Tool and die makers5
721022Sheet metal workers5
721062Welders and related machine operators5
722002Electricians (except industrial and power system)6
722012Industrial electricians6
722032Electrical power line and cable workers5
722042Telecommunications line and cable workers5
722052Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians5
724002Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics5
724012Heavy-duty equipment mechanics5
724022Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics6
724042Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors5
724052Machine fitters5
724102Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers5
724112Auto body collision, refinishing and glass technicians and damage repair estimators5
725002Crane operators6
726002Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors5
731003Concrete finishers5
731023Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers5
731123Painters and decorators (except interior decorators)5
731133Floor covering installers5
733103Railway and yard locomotive engineers5
733113Railway conductors and brakemen/women5
742024Air transport ramp attendants5
751015Material handlers5
751105Construction trades helpers and labourers6

8 – Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations

NOC 2021 CodeTEERNOC 2021 TitleMinimum CLBSWOSWMIES
800200Managers in agriculture5

9 – Occupations in manufacturing and utilities

NOC 2021 CodeTEERNOC 2021 TitleMinimum CLBSWOSWMIES
900100Manufacturing managers5
900110Utilities managers5
921002Power engineers and power systems operators5

Rural in-demand occupations

In addition to the list above, these occupations are considered in-demand for applicants to the eligible MPNP stream(s) indicated if employment is outside of the Manitoba Capital Region.

NOC 2021 CodeTEERNOC 2021 TitleMinimum CLBSWOSWMIES
331023Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates7
941414Industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers7
Last Modified / 最后修改: 1月 25, 2023


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